Friday, September 21, 2007

Some of my favorite business/investment websites

I'm a reasonably active investor. My primary interest is in stocks. Here are some of the sites I visit to help me make my investment decisons:

1. - requires a subscription fee, but worthwhile analyst reports
2. - I do most of my monitoring of the market at this site. I particularly like the analyst upgrades & downgrades. Like most financial sites, the message board is worth very little.
3. Forbes - well presented website. I'm an avid reader of the magazine and consider the reporting to be top quality. I don't spend as much time on the site as I'd like to. I appreciate that Yahoo includes stories from Forbes, which gets me to click through to
4. SeekingAlpha - some extremely well written analyses
5. Blooomberg - top quality stories. I watch Blooomberg TV when I'm on the treadmill in the morning. Top quality guests on the TV show. The website features the video from some of the interviews.
6. - I go to the site primarily to watch the Jim Cramer videos. What can I say? I think he's smart and entertaining.

Friday, September 7, 2007

An example of how to survive as a retailer in a world full of big box stores

Geography - I live in a densely populated part of Connecticut. Several local hardware stores seem to be thriving. There are Home Depot stores 10 miles in one direction and 15 miles in the other. but the hassle of traveling 10 or 15 miles on heavily traveled roads leads me and others to frequent these hardware stores.

Service & Price - Recently I shopped for a snowblower. I ended up purchasing one at my local garden store for the same price I would have paid at Home Depot yet the garden store assembled and tested the unit and delivered it! I hope the garden store is thriving. I have both the snowblower and my lawn tractor serviced there. In fact, its my understanding that if you purchase John Deere equipment at HD, it recommends you have it serviced at a local JD dealer.