Friday, September 21, 2007

Some of my favorite business/investment websites

I'm a reasonably active investor. My primary interest is in stocks. Here are some of the sites I visit to help me make my investment decisons:

1. - requires a subscription fee, but worthwhile analyst reports
2. - I do most of my monitoring of the market at this site. I particularly like the analyst upgrades & downgrades. Like most financial sites, the message board is worth very little.
3. Forbes - well presented website. I'm an avid reader of the magazine and consider the reporting to be top quality. I don't spend as much time on the site as I'd like to. I appreciate that Yahoo includes stories from Forbes, which gets me to click through to
4. SeekingAlpha - some extremely well written analyses
5. Blooomberg - top quality stories. I watch Blooomberg TV when I'm on the treadmill in the morning. Top quality guests on the TV show. The website features the video from some of the interviews.
6. - I go to the site primarily to watch the Jim Cramer videos. What can I say? I think he's smart and entertaining.

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